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Personal Injury Demand Packages & Medical Chronologies

for attorneys who demand better for their clients

Exhibits & Billing Summaries

When you hire me to write a demand letter on your client's behalf, I examine each file closely, I become intimately familiar with the contents, and I begin organizing documents and folders to ensure that I compose a cohesive treatment narrative. Since I'm already laying the groundwork for your exhibits and calculating billing totals, why not let me handle the rest?

The exhibits that I assemble, whether you prefer a single file or a folder of files, will always be clearly labeled, ordered chronologically, and free of superfluous pages. While I will not redact legitimate medical information as an ethical standard, I am proficient with specialized digital editing software and can easily remove distracting imperfections created during the scanning process, erase duplicate paragraphs, make certain text more legible, move images, condense information onto fewer pages, reorder and straighten pages, insert title pages or other clarifying documents, convert and combine files of different types, add or remove page numbers, and draw attention to items of your choosing.

Billing summaries can provide instant clarity where combined totals from invoices might not. By adding an itemized spreadsheet to your client's demand package, you're demonstrating your commitment to verifying the accuracy of their billed treatments and making sure that they are appropriately compensated.

All billing summaries begin with a standard spreadsheet template but are fully customizable to your needs. They can be as simple or as detailed as you'd prefer, including individual line items or per-visit totals, insurance payments and adjustments, personal injury protection, medpay, or workers' compensation payments, out-of-pocket expenses, and more. In each billing summary, I add a comments column with important notes and clarifying information where there might be confusion about individual providers, treatments, charges, payments, and missing records or bills. Following initial data entry from both digital and handwritten files, totals are calculated using spreadsheet formulas, verified manually, and cross-referenced again with the original documents to confirm accuracy.


Projects up to three hours:
$180 flat rate

Projects over three hours:
$180 three-hour base fee + $75 for each additional hour

© Heather Kenward 2025 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED